A roof access solution for the removal of plant and equipment via cranage, while ensuring safe access for staff. The access platform needed to be removable, and the roof structure had to maintain its structural integrity in the long term
A focus on design and construction of an ornament from repurposed materials. The project ensured structural integrity while meeting both functional and aesthetic requirements, resulting in a durable and effective installation.
A confined space entry zone was transformed to a restricted entry area, whilst removing the concrete lid and constructing a building over the pit. A new ladder access platform was added to improve safety and access.
The client identified that accessing a valve on rock escarpments posed a safety risk. The project aimed to design and fabricate a steel platform and access ladder to provide safe, efficient access to the valve.
A new access structure for Valve K was designed, addressing issues and meeting operational needs. Crane assistance was arranged for material transport, and the final installation prioritised safety and structural integrity.